
Martin Street Apartments

Commercial, Multifamily Housing

Initially envisioned as a complete redevelopment of a lot with a few near derelict structures, the project team found a way to provide for six new attainably priced townhomes to be constructed on the narrow lot, while also retaining the existing primary single-family home. Further investigation by the client led to the discovery that the house was eligible as a local landmark due to a connection with important events in the Hispanic community during the 1980’s, further incentivizing its rehabilitation. The site is ideally located just outside downtown Longmont, directly adjacent to a large city park, in an area of mixed residential uses. Multiple options for design were presented to surrounding property owners leading to buy-in from the neighborhood.

Make Use of Urban Infill

Affordable housing is an issue across the country and Longmont is experiencing the same growing pains as many communities. By working with a local, small developer BAS1S was able to maximize housing on an infill lot conveniently located to central services. In doing this, we are not only providing our architectural services, but help to fill the needs of our local community.


Site Planning

Entitlement Process
